Monday, November 23, 2009


This iMovie activity was a bit confusing for me at first. The part after I inserted the titles onto my photos, two photos would pop up for that slide and then when I inserted my transitions it made my music skip and I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. Eventually I got the hang of it! It it turned out to be a really cool project. Overall this is a good learning tool to share with a class. This would keep learners attentive and engaged. And it is always fun to watch a movie!

Monday, November 9, 2009


I am learning how to save videos and images on line and get more familiar with templates. Such as jpeg to save photo images and the embed icon to save and share videos. At first I really didn't know how and where to go to save and upload files but now I can go to google and share images such as my blog and put things like youtube on there. When people go to my blog they will be interested in my page vs. being on the youtube page and being distracted by all the other videos.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Spread Sheets in Excel

Oh my Goodness! The outcome of the spread sheet activity looked nice and is a good learning tool that students can learn through but I have to say it was time consuming and not that easy to follow. By the time I put together a learning activity with excel spread sheets I could have graded a whole class of worksheets. Even though I didn't have the best time piecing it together I would still incorporate it because once formatted I could always use it. Usually for children any learning activity on the computer is always fun to be involved in and the knowledge gained is always beneficial.

Using Inspiration on Macintosh

Using Inspiration on Mac was very relative to getting ideas out and conveying information. This icon offers learning to take place through web designs, mapping, and diagrams. It was easy to use and follow the instructions. This component of Mac basically allows students to highlight all the key points that others need to know. In some way I think of it like a fact sheet with pictures. I do believe students will enjoy working with Inspiration.

Digital Scavenger Hunt

The Digital Scavenger hunt was really cool. This is a activity that allows the students hands-on to get involved with technology. This was a collaborative assignment. It allows students to use technology, share ideas, and work together. Our group chose to do the "opposites" scavenger hunt, which was really fun coming up with ideas and seeing the outcome. I would definitely incorporate this learning activity into my classroom.

Midterm Evaluation

Over the course of this semester I have learned how to use Macintosh computers and have gained confidence in using them. As I have said before I was a bit intimidated of "how to use" a Mac. Before I didn't know exactly what templates to go to, I can definitely say I am learning! The things I have completed so far are very beneficial for future educators and just nice to know! Things such as posting wikis for a classroom, webquest, blogs, Digital Scavenger hunts, and using inspiration is the new way to convey information. I actually enjoyed incorporating the teaching curriculum standards to each project, before this class I had never done that. Teachers, parents, and students can share knowledge to learn in a fun way. It feels good to know I have gained knowledge with technology it makes me feel intelligent. These activities I have been an hands-on experience that allows all who engage to be truly engaged.