Monday, September 21, 2009

Web Quest Idea

The web quest is the best yet by far. It gives an exceptional array of information. It holds all kinds of ideas for those who log on to collaborate in many ways. It has activities to navigate, project resources, guides, and even on line libraries. It serves information in many different learning styles that are only a click away.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Web Quest

My Web Quest experience is really neat for reviewing and sharing information and it will be VERY useful in the classroom for students and parents as well as other teachers to follow along. I am grateful I am learning a lot about Wiki and Web Quest, like posting insights, interest, and information. It is a great tutorial that gives some short cuts to learning. It also gives the opportunities to growth and development as a teacher and learner.

Monday, September 14, 2009

New Post

Hi this is Jaiauna Lomax and I am getting more familiar with posting on my blog. My mom told me a few days ago perfect practice makes perfect performance so I am going to practice perfect as much as I can.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Web Evaluation

This activity helped assist in learning Educational awareness about the forest fires effecting Northern California's Community. This activity also helped me become more familiar with accessing different websites, giving me insight to convey and differentiate what is factual on websites. In comparison and contrast with other websites some are more informative and researched based while others are not.

The website I used was

Blogs classroom reflection

When using Blogs in the classroom it is the most informative I have seen yet! Teachers and students gain from this website. Teachers can review other lesson plans, instructional videos, and just over all stay current on daily activities. Students can will be interactive, as well as their parents. It is a discussion board were the the students can participate and learn. It is a way to stay connected and to be apart of what is happening.
I could use this in my classroom to help identify the needs of students and answer questions of students and parents.
Learning how to put together a classroom blog will be very beneficial! It looks good and keeps all who are interested current. It will be awesome for future employers to screen and see if how much they are interested in their employees.
When putting together this blog the computer says it is easy, but I still say it is a bit of a challenge to put it together nicely.